My Children and I |
The view from my world today is my children.
One thing I cherish is when I am able to see all of my kids. That doesn't happen real often because they have grown up and some live out of town.
But this last few days I have found my joy. All three of my children happened to be in town and I spent time with them all. It wasn't a holiday even!
When I was a younger mom, I did not realize how much I would miss being around my kids when they got older and moved away. To be truthful, as that younger mom, there were days when I looked forward to a time when the house would be quiet and not chaotic from three adolescents living there.
Then they grew up and became adults and went on to lead their own lives.
And this older mom finds that instead of being quiet, my home is silent. Instead of being crazy with adolescents, my house is peaceful. Too peaceful at times.
I am overjoyed that my kids have become responsible adults. They are happily living out their young lives with their own families. So when the occasion comes when all are back together again, it is a time of happiness for me.
I love my kids! I love the people they have grown up to be!
As many people say- - blink and your children seem to grow up. It is true. Young mothers, I know there are times when frustration and exasperation sets in. But mark my words-- enjoy your kids at every stage because soon you will not have them underfoot and you may find their presence is missed in later seasons of life.