It's time for a road trip! I'm packing the car full of snacks, got me a full tank and I'm off! I'll be traveling through the blogosphere to visit as many blogs from the A-to-Z Challenge as I can and I hope to highlight a few of the blogs that I find as I mosey on down the road.
When I was a kid, my sisters and I use to play a couple games while road-tripping. We would play "On my way to Grandma's house I saw ......." and another one was to keep track alphabetically of everything we saw. We couldn't move on to the next letter of the alphabet until the previous letter was found. Playing games may have helped the time in the car pass by faster and it probably helped to keep us from fighting.
I hope you'll join me on the trip~
A-to-Z Challenge Road Trip
I'm on the road trip with you. I haven't had the chance to post saying so, because I'm already on the road visiting and trying to catch up with responses to those who were kind enough to leave comments on my blog as well. So enjoy getting around to see all I missed and read the reflections folks have left. Enjoyed meeting you,MS, and following you as well. Maria from Delight Directed Living
Glad to hear you are going on the road trip also, Maria!
I'll be in the back seat, LOL. Don't want to sign up for it, but I'm trying to visit the A/Z's I missed as I can a few a day :)
have fun!
The days of road trips are gone, I fear, for me. My father is dead, and he is the one who enjoyed road trips. My mother and my son don't like them very well.
I'm visiting from the A to Z challenge list. One of my team's blogs is KHEL 666 Radio Netherworld.
Betty - I will wave to you as I pass by your way!
Faycin - Road trips aren't for everyone. I'm glad you stopped by here today.
And the games were so much better then the TV, and video's that people use now days. I think a real opportunity is lost in cars on trips. Parents can actually interact with their kids, and by playing games they'd be doing something different. They're tuned out far too much with the digital world. We always played games also...hubby, DD and I. Great memories.
I'm gassed and speeding along too.
The road trip is great. I've been able to meet a lot of new bloggers I missed during the challenge.
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