Saturday, February 18, 2012

Feeling Old

My birthday was a few weeks ago. 
I didn't hit a milestone birthday, that was last year.  It's been a tough year with lots of changes that have nothing really to do with age.  I just didn't think I would have to be in this place making these changes.

Through tough times, though,  you grow.  Like the saying says, "What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger."    Well, sometimes I wonder if I am on the stronger end or the killed end.   Every day is another opportunity to find out! 

So, it was my birthday and it was lovely.   The people who care about me let me know that they appreciate me and recognized my special day.  I felt good - I felt young and lively -- the world at my feet.  Anything is possible!  

Then I got this in the mail:

PSsshhshhh.......  What's that you say?   That's the air being let out of my lively, young step.   I feel old.  Officially. 

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